hahah. so far, semalam(25/11/11) has been the bestest day in my entire life.
well yeah, because selama ni tarikh ni jatuh pada waktu cuti sem, cuti sekolah, so i never get to celebrate my big day with friends. biasa celebrate bersama family, ada mama and baby, yasier pun sometimes balik, kalau takde tu takdelah. huk2
now, since tukar sistem, maka jadinye birthday aku jatuh on sem belajar, so aku dapat laaa celebrate dengan kawan2.
sweet dedication from jojo, thanks for accepting me as a friend of yours, too many flaws in me that i cannot manage to be a real, good friend. but then, thanks! friends forever =)
next aku appreciate sangat the moment my classmates sing along the "happy birthday to you" song to me, i feel like flying already *wink2*
and so, too many sweet things happen in a single day.
tak lupa, hadiah2 dan kek special dari orang2 yang special juga. =)
dan unstoppable wishes, thank you for those wishes and prayers.
it's just that this time, i didn't get the chance to celebrate my birthday with my mom.
but then, tiba2 mama inbox, cakap dia bank in few amount of money for me to get something for my birthday as present
and so i bought myself few bundle dresses, ok laaa aku tak pandai pilih baju cantik2 and mahal2. honestly
the best part, was the suprise made by janna and ned
tadi diorang ajak jalan2, g makan kat windmill
masa tu tengah ketawa punya ketawa kan, tiba2 lagu bertukar jadi lagu birthday
aku kan blur ya amat, aku tak bajet laa lagu tu ditujukan kat aku sebenarnya
*ok aku bleh sangka baik kan fikir "ada orang sambut birthday ni, kebetulan"
sekaliiiiiiiiiiiii ada waiter datang hantar kek kat sebelah aku, ada lilin lagi
wahhh ini memang special betul!
and like, seriously, 1st time aku dapat hadiah sebegini special
the most precious present i ever had in my entire life

me and my birthday cake
sebelum ni, pernah laa kene berdiri sambil nyanyi masa mama celebrate birthday aku kat TGI Friday on my 18th birthday
cuma kali ni lebih special, sebab aku bersama kawan2 baik aku
at that time, tau ape aku fikir? aku fikir:
takde boyfriend pun takpelahh, ada kawan2 best macam ni dah cukup happy dah aku
thanks guys!
thank You Allah i've been given the chance to stay alive, to live my life as well to devote myself to You until this age.
and also, thank You for granted me with beautiful, kind, nice bestfriends to fill my life with colours.
Happy befday yasmeen rosli!!!
ReplyDeleteKami Cool
tq amir =)
ReplyDeletewah untungnya meen ada kwn2 yg baik..
ReplyDeletehehehehe, takdelahh, rezeki tu..tak sangke plak diorang nak bagi mcm ni..*ko pun same* :p